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Donation Covid-19 – Peru, June 2020
Segundo itinerante en Corpus Christi TX con el Consulado Peruano de Houston
Primer itinerante en Corpus Christi TX con el Consulado Peruano de Houston
Reconocimiento de voluntarios de PAACCTX
Reconocimiento de voluntarios de PAACCTX por excelente trabajos y dedicacion a la comunidad de Corpus Christi. Tambien despedida de voluntaria y profesora Gisella Franco.
PAACCTX esta muy agradecido con sus voluntarios que cumplen con hacer una diferencia positiva a la comunidad de Corpus Christi Texas.
Los voluntarios son el corazon de todas las organizaciones. Gracias por su dedicacion y amor a su comunidad.

Celebración de 28 Julio día de la Independencia
La asociacion tuvo un homenaje a la bandera el dia Viernes 28 de Julio para la comunidad Peruana y amigos donde pudieron disfrutar de comida y musica peruana. Invitados de honor estuvieron presente; Consul de la ciudad de Corpus Christi Mr. Ben Molina, Mr. Andres Urbano President de la Sociedad Cultural Hispano Americano-San Antonio Texas, miembros del Instituto of Cultura Hispanica de Corpus Christi y la Dra. Mary Gleason Director Ejecutivo de Corpus Christi Literacy Council.

Conmemoración del 196 Aniversario de la Independencia del Perú
Realizado en Houston, Texas el día Julio 30, 2017.
- Reconocimiento especial y entrega de diploma a las instituciones peruanas que contribuyeron con los damnificados por los desastres naturales generados por el Niño Costero en el Perú en 2017. Recibiendo el diploma de reconocimiento, nuestra presidenta de Peruvian American Association of Corpus Christi Texas la Sra. Elizabeth Pastor.

# Una sola fuerza # A single force
Peruvian American Association of Corpus Christi, Texas Raises $3,500 for natural disaster in Peru
End of March 2017 was a tragic month for the country of Peru, especially for the people living north of Lima. If you’ve ever been to or know of the towns affected by the flood, you know that many of the residents that live in these regions experience poverty and have built their homes out of the little resources and belongings they have. The affected regions of Peru had no access to clean water or food as soon as the flood and mudslides hit, and this tragic natural disaster left 94 dead and 700,000 homeless.
How did Corpus Christi, TX help aid the people affected by this flood?
On April 30th 2017, the Peruvian American Association of Corpus Christi, Texas held a fundraiser event in efforts to help raise money to send to Peru and those in need to start a new life. Over 300 people attended the event and $3,500 was raised, which was then deposited to Bank of America account belonging to the Embassy of Peru in Washington D.C. Being thousands of miles away from Peru didn’t stop the PAACCTX from helping their people – any help counted. This event gathered the Peruvian, Venezuelan, Puerto Ricans, Cuban, and Colombian communities of Corpus Christi, as well as other local Texans. They sold food and listened to Latin music played by the Grupo Afinque; seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
With all the support from the community, the PAACCTX was able to have a successful event and give back to their people while bringing the Corpus Christi community from all different backgrounds together for one cause – to help those in need.
For more information about the PAACCTX, please visit their Facebook or their website page and stay up to date for more news regarding Peru and the Corpus Christi community.