Why is U.S. citizenship important?
The Rights of the U.S. Citizen After Naturalization. You cannot be deported to your country of former citizenship or nationality. You’ll have just as much right as any other American to live and work in the United States.
Why is it important to participate as an American citizen? By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens’ interests.
There are two special rights only for U.S. citizens: voting in federal elections and running for federal office.
What is the most important duty of a U.S. citizen and why?
Obeying the Law Everyone who lives in the United States is expected to follow the law as a criterion for good citizenship. Many laws and rules govern American society. There are laws imposed by the federal government called federal laws.
What is the reason you want to become a U.S. citizen?
There are many reasons to become a U.S. Citizen—whether it’s the right to vote or the ability to bring your family to the United States. There are many amazing benefits from gaining citizenship that you may not have considered.
What is one promise made when becoming a citizen?
The final step is to take an Oath of Allegiance. You promise to be loyal to the United States and give up loyalty to other countries. You promise to defend the Constitution and obey the laws of the United States. And you promise to serve the United States when the government needs your help.
10 Steps to Naturalization
Understanding the Process of Becoming a U.S. Citizen In this section, you will find a general description of the naturalization application process.
Before you apply, be sure that you meet all eligibility requirements and check if you qualify for any exceptions and accommodations. USCIS has also developed responses to commonly asked questions about citizenship and the naturalization process.
Step 1. Determine if you are already a U.S. citizen
What to do: If you are not a U.S. citizen by birth, or you did not acquire or derive U.S. citizenship from your parent(s) automatically after birth, go to the next step.
Step 2. Determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen
What to do: Review the naturalization eligibility worksheet (PDF, 300.55 KB) to help you decide if you are eligible to apply for naturalization.
Step 3. Prepare your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization
This form is available to file online. Start by creating your free online account. What to do: Read the instructions to complete Form N-400. Collect the necessary documents to demonstrate your eligibility for naturalization. If you reside outside the United States, get 2 passport-style photos taken. Use the document checklist (PDF, 178.19 KB) to make sure you collect all the required documents.
Step 4. Submit your Form N-400 and pay your fees
This form is available to file online. You may also pay your fees online. Once you submit Form N-400, USCIS will send you a receipt notice. You can check case processing times and your case status online.
Step 5. Go to your biometrics appointment, if applicable
What to do: If you need to take biometrics, USCIS will send you an appointment notice that includes your biometrics appointment date, time, and location. Arrive at the designated location at the scheduled time. Have your biometrics taken.
Step 6. Complete the interview
Once all the preliminary processes on your case are complete, USCIS will schedule an interview with you to complete the naturalization process. You must report to the USCIS office at the date and time on your appointment notice. Please bring the appointment notice with you.
Step 7. Receive a decision from USCIS on your Form N-400
USCIS will mail a notice of decision to you. If you filed your N-400 online, you can also access the electronic notice in your account.
Granted – USCIS may approve your Form N-400 if the evidence in your record establishes that you are eligible for naturalization.
Continued – USCIS may continue your application if you need to provide additional evidence/documentation, fail to provide USCIS the correct documents, or fail the English and/or civics test the first time.
Denied – USCIS will deny your Form N-400 if the evidence in your record establishes you are not eligible for naturalization.
Step 8. Receive a notice to take the Oath of Allegiance
What to expect: If USCIS approved your Form N-400 in step 7, you may be able to participate in a naturalization ceremony on the same day as your interview. If a same day naturalization ceremony is unavailable, USCIS will mail you a notification with the date, time, and location of your scheduled ceremony. If you filed your N-400 online, you can also access the electronic
notice in your application.
Step 9. Take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States
You are not a U.S. citizen until you take the Oath of Allegiance at a naturalization ceremony.
What to do:
Complete the questionnaire on Form N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony.
Report for your naturalization ceremony and check in with USCIS. A USCIS officer will review your responses to Form N-445.
Turn in your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).
Take the Oath of Allegiance to become a U.S. citizen.
Receive your Certificate of Naturalization, review it, and notify USCIS of any errors you see on your certificate before leaving the ceremony site.
Step 10. Understanding U.S. citizenship
Citizenship is the common thread that connects all Americans. Check out this list of some of the most important rights and responsibilities that all citizens—both Americans by birth and by choice—should exercise, honor, and respect.
10 Steps to Naturalization | USCIS
N-400, Application for Naturalization
ALERT: On Jan. 30, 2024, USCIS announced a final rule, published in the Federal Register, that adjusts the fees required for most immigration applications and petitions. The new fees will be effective April 1, 2024.
Applications and petitions postmarked on or after April 1, 2024, must include the new fees or USCIS will not accept them.
What to Know About Sending Us Your Form.
The new filing fee is effective for filings postmarked April 1, 2024, and later. If
you are filing an acceptable prior form edition on or after April 1, 2024, you must include the new filing fee.
Case Status Online
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